Sunday, July 22, 2007

Here we go again.....

well we got another poker night going this recent weekend.

Those in attendance were Mike Randy Jeff and Millsy.

Since there was only three of us for the first game it was nice for a few of the boys to make it for the second game.

Once again in the second match I was fairly card dead when I was knocked out with a flopped st8 by Randy, thus allowing me to buy back in. Well wouldn 't it be my luck I found pocket queens and decided no one will call an all in so I did just that. Randy calls my all in to my surprise after really thinking about it. He has Jacks and my hand held. Now I double up to 8000 chips but really never had much beyound that and lost in third place I believe.

My recent sister's wedding went over well and it was nice to see the family.

The house is coming up two years old this November.

Let's see anything else, hmmm. Oh we are going camping in the next few weeks and that should be fun. The kids are looking forward to it.
Oh Bubble Bobble rules!

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