PokerStars Tournament #368833804, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $10.00/$1.00 USD
4 players
Total Prize Pool: $40.00 USD
Tournament started 2011/02/27 19:05:00 ET
1: Meltedmark (Canada), $40.00 (100%)
2: yvesdaman (Canada),
3: pichou5757 (Canada),
4: Alley33 (Canada),
You finished in 1st place (eliminated at hand #58402000904).
Well as you can see I finally won my first season match. Funny how the game changes when you actually get cards most of the game. I could not believe the cards |I was getting and it really helped me out right from the starting gate. I never trailed and was very happy to finally get this win.
I am gonna keep track of the hand history to from now on so I can have a better tourney results for us to talk about. It is a work in progress.
Congrats to tante Lise whom avoided the dreaded "Out First" label, but now has a new title, as given by oncle Yves, and that is "River Rat".
I took out mom first when I hit a river card to complete a flush. "What was that you said mom?". "luck xxxx, gg, I believe it was.
Sonya could not make the match. Hope the children get better soon. We missed you. Well actually your money, lol.
I have no report to why Mike could not make it out but I know he does family suppers at his inlaws on Sunday's much as does Sonya.
If you have any suggestions on game times or changing them let me know.
Here my beloved Detroit Lions are celebrating my first season win.
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